Posture impacts Breathing and Breathing Impacts Posture
How you sit, stand, and lie around impacts your breathing.
Your autonomic nervous system
Nerve system connections - your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Breathing and female hormones
Female hormones impact our breathing and our tolerance to carbon dioxide. Progesterone is a respiratory stimulant and women tend to have a lower tolerance to carbon dioxide during the last two weeks of their menstrual cycle. During the perimenopause transition, anxiety and breathlessness symptoms may occur.
Interrupt the anxiety cycle, Breathe slowly.
Anxiety is everywhere. Intentional breathing practices can help. You are not an inherently anxious person.
Reboot the Nerves
Shake up the body. Get out of the chronic half stressed, half relaxed state. Deliberately shift your body’s biochemistry through breathwork and then recover and deeply relax.
Carbon Dioxide - We need it and we must exhale it
Carbon Dioxide is required for oxygen to be released from our red blood cells into our muscles, organs, brain, and cell tissues.
Your Diaphragm - one of my favorite muscles in the body
Giraffes use their diaphragm to create changes in their lungs causing air to travel all the way through their very long neck. Thankfully we don’t have to work that hard to breathe.
How tolerant to carbon dioxide are you?
Our sensitivity to carbon dioxide varies over our lifetimes based on our experience, history, and emotions. Our carbon dioxide sensitivity determines when we feel the need to breathe.
Breathing and our nervous system
Our breath is a bridge for our conscious body to communicate with our unconscious body.