
Interoception – Your Body Sensing Sense How do you know when to go to the bathroom?  When to eat?  When to drink? When to go to bed?  When to breathe?  How do you know when you’re upset?  How do you know when you feel safe?  Your body senses what’s happening inside you and sends a […]

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baby, yawning


Why do we yawn? Why is yawning so contagious?  What causes our body to yawn?  I’ve been taught that yawning is your body’s attempt to rebalance your oxygen & carbon dioxide levels in your blood.  In other words, if you hadn’t been breathing efficiently, you’ll body will want to reset by taking a yawn. And

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Posture & Breathing

Breathing and Posture are intimately interconnected.  Your diaphragm, your main breathing muscle, is the top of your core, whereas your pelvic floor is the bottom of your core.  Every time you breathe, you’re impacting your intrabdominal pressure, spinal and core stability.    Your posture impacts your breathing.  How you breathe impacts your posture. Good posture allows

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Autonomic nervous system

Notice your breath to gain insight into your autonomic nervous system. Intentionally alter your breath to communicate to your unconscious body and your autonomic nervous system. Your autonomic nervous system controls your breathing pattern, your heart rate, your digestion, your hormones, your state of arousal, and your body’s involuntary actions that keep you alive. Your

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Breathing & Female Hormones

Hormones and your nervous system affect your breathing.  Your breathing pattern is a result of your life history and your body’s current emotional and physiological condition.  When we need to be alert and active, our breathing pattern is a little quicker.  When we’re at peace and relaxed, our breathing pattern is a little lighter, softer,

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plant, forest, nature

Reboot the Nerves

In our modern lives, we rarely have a truly life threatening event, we typically are NOT being chased down by a lion, bear, or violent invader. Yet we often feel like something major is happening, as we work on a big project at work, determine who to date, decide which product to buy, choose which

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flames, fire, woman

Inflammation & Breathwork

What does breathwork have to do with inflammation?  To explain this connection, let’s first start by explaining why the body creates inflammation.  Inflammation is the body’s response to a threat.  This threat could be a bacteria or a virus, or this perceived threat could be physical, psychological, or emotional stress.  Inflammation is your body’s defense

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