Interoception – Your Body Sensing Sense
How do you know when to go to the bathroom? When to eat? When to drink? When to go to bed? When to breathe? How do you know when you’re upset? How do you know when you feel safe? Your body senses what’s happening inside you and sends a signal to your brain. This body sensing skill is called interoception.
Interoception is considered by many to be your 8th sense. So what are these 8 senses? Some you probably know and others you may not.
- Sense of Smell
- Sense of Taste
- Sense of Sight
- Sense of Touch
- Sense of Sound
- Sense of Space or Proprioception. Sensing where your body is in space. This sense allows you to walk and move.
- Sense of Spatial Orientation, your Vestibular balance sense from your inner ear. Sensing your position in relation to gravity.
- Sense of Inner Happenings or Interoception.
Your interoception skills are dynamic, they will change overtime and can be further developed if you pay attention and notice. What are the benefits of interoception?
- Emotional Regulation
- Stress Management
- Self-awareness
- Physical Health
- Social Connection
Join the upcoming 4 week series on Interoception, Body Sensing, and Body Listening.
If you want to explore the concept of interoception more, check out the Ted Talk by Carrie DeJung, Interoception – Your Super Power.